
Showing posts from May, 2020

About my surgery - L5-S1 fusion as a dancer

I'm a 2nd year Musical Theatre student and on the 31st January 2020 I had to have an L5-S1 spinal fusion. In this post, I'm going to talk about why I had my surgery, and then in future posts I will be talking about how it's impacted my training as well as other aspects of my life! The reason I'm choosing to write about this is because when I found out that I was going to need the surgery, I was incredibly nervous about what would happen to me as a dancer and performer. Dance has always been the side of Musical Theatre that I've found more challenging (even though I still love it!) and then adding surgery recovery on top of that was really worrying. I went online and researched to see if there was any information regarding dancers that had had the same surgery that I was about to have, but I could only find one website written by a young ballet dancer, and that was all. It was really useful being able to read her point of view, and it gave me comfort knowing that it ...